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Computer Security

Computer Security refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any individuals without authorization. Most security measures involve data encryption and passwords. New threats that are on the rise are viruses, spyware and phishing.





Spyware EverywhereSpyware Is Everywhere Spyware EverywhereMicrosoft Security Bulletins
What is SpywareDNS Poison What is SpywarePharming For Your Identity
What is SpywareFTC shuts down spyware site What is SpywarePhishing Flaw in Alt. Browser
What is SpywareHackers, Beyond the Browser What is SpywarePhishing Hole Discovered in IE
What is SpywareHow to Avoid a Phishing Attack What is SpywareSafer Browsing is here (Firefox)
What is SpywareInternet Cookies What is SpywareSpyware: Public Enemy #1 2005
What is SpywareInternet Cookies Reborn What is SpywareVirus Removal
What is SpywareJPEG Flaw Discovered in IE What is SpywareWhat is Phishing
What is SpywareP.I.E. Persistent Identification Element What is SpywareWhat is Spyware?
What is SpywareSpyware vs. Virus What is SpywarePhishing on the Rise in 2005




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