Search Engine Optimization:
There are many ways search engines find and classify your web site:
1 is Meta-Tags that Search Engine spiders crawl and classify.
2 is a properly configured 'ROBOTS.txt' file.
3 is Click Popularity Algorithms.
And there are many more...
Meta-tags are what search engines use to classify and list your web site. These are descriptions and keywords "under the hood" of your pages. These keywords are used when people search the web.
Some major search engines still use a "robots.txt" for indexing web pages. Missing this or having an improperly configured file can cost you ranking and potential loss of traffic.
Click popularity - An overwhelming number of webmasters and search engine marketers ignore or miss the importance of click tracking technologies, and thus miss out on the search engines that use the technology as part of their algorithms. The reason one needs to watch these tools, and map a strategy for dealing with them is simple. They provide data to other engines, and more importantly, their data is used in ranking algorithms. Thus, dealing with them should be part of your search engine optimization strategy.
What worked 10 years ago, does NOT today. Search engines are very
smart now and not easily fooled.
Whipnet researches search engines technology on a continuing bases
and understands their changes and most importantly what they like.
Search Engine Submittal
If you have a product, service or message you would like to send to the
millions of people on the Internet, you have a number of options. Firstly,
you can submit your site to the 1,000+ Search Engines where you spend
hours posting your links and then wait weeks before your link is activated.
Secondly, you can submit your site to the 2,000+ Classified Advertisement
Sites where you can again spend several hours posting your links and still
seeing your site listed low, or not at all.
Yes, there is a Third option: Let Whipnet Technologies do this for you!
Please contact us today for a free analysis of your web site.