August 1981, Part 8
CJC: No sir.
Have you been in the operation... ah, in the hospital for a operation?
VL: Well ah, about twenty... three years, 22 years ago, I had hysterectomy. Other than that, I have never had nothing really wrong with me till this.
CJC: Now would you please give us your address and your age?, your current address.
VL:My current address is 506 West Clayton, Dayton Texas. The ZIP code is 77535, and I'm 57 years old.
CJC:OK. Um... Terry, do you have any questions?... Oh, one other question: who is the doctor that's been treating you?
VL: Ah... Dr. Chandler in Liberty.
CJC: Liberty Texas?
VL: Um humm... and he's only an eye doctor, but he... I got all faith in him because he has a doctor that work with him that is uh.. is one (unintelligible) one of the best I think, that uh... and he told me that when he couldn't do for my eyes anymore that when he felt he wasn't capable of giving me what I needed that he would turn me over to this doctor and uh... you can't ask for nothing better than that.
CJC:Let me ask you regarding the skin problems, and your hair loss, have you talked to any other physician about that?
VL: No, nothing but Uh Doctor.... (to Betty Cash) what's his name?
BC: Shoney
VL: Dr. Shoney... yeah I talked to Dr. Shoney
CJC: Is this the same doctor that Ms. Cash had been seeing? VL:Yes, but I never did see him as a patient, I was there now with Betty so much and talked to him, but ah, this doctor that saw me was... (to Betty) what was his name?
VL: No, I wasn't looking for it. I was too scared... put it that way, cause I ain't going to say I wasn't scared, cause (chuckles) I was scared, I guess I'm a coward, but I was scared.
CJC: :(to Betty Cash) OK, can you recall if you saw more than one flame at a time?
BC: I wasn't looking at the flames, I was looking for a way out.
CJC: I understand. Ah... the reason I'm asking... did it have one engine or several engines or... from what you could tell?
BC:I wish they would have asked me that when I was under hypnotism. CJC:OK. Prior to this incident, Ms. Landrum, have you been treated for any illness or problems?
CJC: Did he tell you anything?
VL: Uh, huh, Easley. Oh, uh... Easley, Dr. Easley radiologist at the Medical Center in Houston.
VL:No sir, nobody's never told me nothing. Except my family doctor told me that he couldn't doctor me because he didn't know nothing about it and he didn't... that he would do me more harm than good and he wasn't about to.
CJC: :OK, now have you had to pay any doctor bills as a result of this.
VL; Yes sir!
CJC:Can you give us some idea of how much you've had in the way of doctor bills... Ms. Landrum?
VL:Let's see...(pause) I'd say approximately about six or seven hundred dollars on my eyes and Colby's eyes.
CJC: OK, alright... and how about you Ms. Cash? Can you give us any... ?
BC: I would imagine that mine has been around ten thousand dollars, or better.
(End of cassette side "A")
CJC: OK, alright... and how about you Ms. Cash? Can you give us any... ?
BC: I would imagine that mine has been around ten thousand dollars, or better.
CJC: OK...
CJC: OK... alright now let me ask you ah... and again would you give me just a basic physical description of yourself, height and weight-wise, would you mind doing that for me Ms. Cash?, just for the record.
BC: Well I'm supposed to be five-five and a half, but I think I shrink with age (laughs)... and I weigh 112 pounds... now, because I have lost some weight.
CJC: What was your weight at the time of the incident?
BC: 118.
CJC: OK, and you Ms. Landrum, would you describe yourself?
VL: Well, I'm five feet exactly and I weigh uh... well I weigh about 138 pounds.
CJC OK, and how much... have you suffered any weight loss?
VL:Um... well, yes sir, cause I weighed a hundred... about 162 pounds, I was too heavy, so its... I guess my weight loss has done me a little good. (chuckles) (unintelligible)-wise.
CL: Where's the bathroom at?
CJC:.. the bathroom at?... um... will you take him...
VL: (breaking in) but now the little boy, now he went from a size... I mean... he uh... he was in a 6 slim blue jean and they fit him perfect, and when I went to buy him some clothes the other day, and I got them on him, and I had to go back to a 5 slim blue jean...