August 1981, Part 9
CJC: OK...
VL: (breaking in) ... But what's so terrible about it, now this is what the doctor in Houston told me and another... um... even that Dr. Rank from Wisconsin... he told me the same thing, that there's a possibility within the next, he'd be safe to say within the next eight to twelve years that Colby would come down with a form of leukemia, which wouldn't be leukemia, but... and if he was treated for leukemia it could kill him.
CJC:Who was the doctor that was telling you this?
VL&BC: Oh... ah... wasn't it Dr. Shoney and a Dr. Peter Rank said there's a possibility because they don't.. I mean, nobody knows how much radiation he might have consumed, or what kind it might could been, but it had to be radiation to have burned us like we were burned.
CJC: Let me ask you Ms. Landrum, is there any history of ah... cancer in your family?
VL: No
CJC: OK, have you ever had a relative or blood relative that had had cancer?
VL: No.... no.
CJC: OK, ... Ms. Cash... ?
BC: No.
CJC: Alright now... VL:(breaking in) I had a son that was a diabetic, my mother was a diabetic, but there's never been a cancer.
CJC: Now help me with... is it Coby?
VL: Uh huh.
CJC: How do you spell...
CJC: Colby, C-O-L-B-Y.
VL Right.
CJC Now is... whose son is he?
VL: He's my... um... His father's name is Paul Landrum he's my son, he's my middle son and him and his wife divorced when Colby was seven months old and he couldn't take care of him, and uh... his mother didn't want him... so...
CJC: (breaking in) OK, so Colby's your grandson living with you.
VL: Right, I've got custody of him, he's my responsibility; he's mine... you know?
CJC: OK, do you live with anybody else?
VL: My husband.
CJC: OK, and what's his name?
VL: His name's Art (unintelligible) Wilson Landrum... Senior
CJC: Alright. is there anything else that y'all can... tell us that would... about the incident as far as... has anybody else within the Air Force or within the government contacted you... about this incident?
VL: No. And I wrote Charles Wilson, he wrote me back a write-off letter and I turned it over and wrote him a letter back.
CJC:You say a write-off letter...?
VL: Huh!... Well it was a thing where UFOs had been discontinued since nineteen and seventy three I believe it said, and he gave me a whole list of who I MIGHT be able to contact.... and I turned it back over and I told him exactly how I felt and I...
BC:Well, I said one thing... I laid in that hospital and suffered that thirteen days before I would even level with my doctor.
VL: I told Colby not to tell nobody...
BC:... 'cause I didn't want anybody to think I was crazy 'cause I had never believed in things like this. But it definitely didn't have little green men with pointed ears.
CJC: Did you see anybody?
VL&BC: No we didn't see nobody... no
CJC: Let me talk to Colby a minute. Colby, how old are you?
CL: Seven.
CJC: 'Kay... let's get a little bit closer here so we make sure we get down everything you're saying on this tape, OK?
CJC: Now, why don't you tell me what you saw... that night.
CL: I don't know what it was, but all I know is it was some kind of object.
CJC: OK. What color was it?
CL: Kinda yellowish-red
CJC: Yellowish-red?... and uh... how long did you see it?
CL: Uh... for about... stayed there for about... 15 to 20 minutes.
CJC: OK, now what happened whenever you saw it?... what did you feel like?
CL: (pause)... I just... wondered what it was... sitting there wondering what it was.
CJC: What happened to your body when you looked at it?
CL: I didn't feel nothing until I got up the next morning.
CJC: What happened the next morning?
CL: I just had... bad virus.
CJC: Bad virus? Why don't you tell me what happened.... did you go to the bathroom... what happened when you went to the bathroom?
CL: Runny... it was all runny.
CJC: It was all runny? What about your stomach?
CL: It was just hurting real bad.
CJC: Did you throw up any?
CL: Uh.. don't remember if I did or not.