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Alien Documents - Cash-Landrum Sighting Transcription



August 1981, Part 13

CJC: OK, now Representative Williamson said: that since 1969 the Air Force no longer has been made... has been the responsible agency to investigate UFO sightings... some of the history that the Congressman told you is correct... ah... before 1969 there was a Project Bluebook... which Project Bluebook basically was just to keep up with all the sightings... all incidents where individuals had seen UFOs and what had happened. In 1969, that was one of the things that Congress said that the Air Force will not do anymore. Then in 1974 - 1975, the President of the United States at that time recommended that NASA, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration see if it would serve any national interest to reopen Project Bluebook with the idea of researching UFOs and occurrences as they happen in the United States. It was the response back of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration that they not reopen Project Bluebook. Now the reason I'm telling you this is that once you tell you me your story today, I am without any power at all to do anything here a this level...

BC:(agitated) Well now, what can we do?

NASA National aeronautics space administration

CJC:OK... Alright... just let me say I'm not, can I get in the position of advising you to do one (chuckle) thing or another, but let me just tell you that, other than hearing your story, I have nobody to refer it to higher than this base here, with the exception of the agency of the Air Force that used to investigate UFO sightings and keep up with it. Now that office I'll be more than happy to forward a brief report of what happened today and what you told us and it will be up to them to determine whether or not they will take any action with respect to it. Ms. Cash, Ms. Landrum, I do not know...

VL: (very agitated) Where... but where do we go?..

CTD: Did you get a letter that mentions the National Archives, and the organizations that investigate UFOs?... that you said you got from Charles Wilson, I believe?... do you have that?

VL: No, I, I turned it over and wrote him a letter back.

CTD: But do you have the letter he sent to you?

VL: Huh?... No, I turned it over and wrote him a letter on the back side of it...


VL: .. and sent it back to him

CJC:Ms. Landrum, the situation is this, at one time, the federal government investigated these claims, complaints of what happened, but there are such... there's such a large number of private organizations like you've already been in contact with that also have started investigating, that Congress has essentially said that it serves no useful purpose to have all these private organizations investigating it and have the United States Government investigate it as well. Now, in other words there'd be no value in doing two reports and if these separate companies or groups that investigate UFO sightings can do a good job investigating it then there's really no need for the Air Force or for the Army or anybody else to investigate it as well. Now it sounds that you have generated quite a bit of interest from these other groups, I know that this gentleman that called and talked with you, also you're going to meet with some other people, and there was a scientist that said that he wanted to keep your fingernail clippings to subject them to some tests... Ah... I can give you an address of the agency in Washington that used to investigate these complaints and they will send you back a package of private organization such as those you've been in contact with already...(unintelligible, covered by:)

VL: (breaking in) Well, we've only been in contact with one.

CJC :OK, I cannot sit here and say how many there are or where they're located...

VL: (breaking in, agitated) Look!... I mean... AH...

CJC: (continuing) and they will send you an effective package of people to contact and, you know, maybe even want to yet in contact with you regarding what happened to you, and see what's to be done...

VL: To put it point blank, what we thought maybe you could give us an answer of where to go from here, or what to do, because I'm gonna find the answer...

CJC: Well as I said...

VL: (continuing) ... it might take me a lifetime but I intend to find it.

CJC:Well, my intentions are in no way to frustrate you if I can help you... (unintelligible, covered by:)

VL: (breaking in) You know what I mean though...

CJC: Yes, I understand...

VL:... because I'm gonna find the answer, and it had to be something the government had up there, you know, and I intend to find it.

CJC: Well, what I'm going suggest is this... we will prepare a

national capitol washington DC

report, and again, it'll be nothing more than just a letter saying that we met with you today, and that we have copies of the tape recordings of our conversation as well as Xerox copies of, you know, what we were able to copy at the time, and we'll forward this to this agency in Washington that formerly investigated it, it will have to be up to them whether to contact you to further to... to open up a special investigation into it, or to correspond with you directly, but that is the only thing I can do for you at this time.

BC: Well, who is responsible for us being injured?

CJC: I'm afraid I can't answer that, again, I, you know... based upon the story that you said, you know, maybe you would like to consult a civilian attorney and see what action he'd like to take to with respect to that, relative to whether or not I can confirm or deny that I do not have that ability, nor do I have that knowledge, as to whether or not it in fact occurred.

VL; We just thought we might be get some answers if we came up here, and I guess we drove (chuckle) all that far for nothing.

BC: Well, it was a clear try, I mean they've been nice, and I appreciate it.

VL: I know, I really appreciate it, but I don't want no more uh, uh... investigators having me go over the deal, because uh... the thing about is I was hypnotized, I have the tape if they want to hear the tape, that's fine, but I don't intend to go through it anymore.

CJC: I understand. Well I can assure you that a bunch of lawyers...

VL: (breaking in) I don't, I don't, and there's a lot of quacks, there really is, that's uh... supposed to be big UFO dealers and wheelers, and they're not after hunting the truth, they after something... proving something that's unreal, and it's... what was up there was real, it hurt us, it wasn't outer space either.

CJC: Well, sometimes they're out to make a sensational story, they'll get people to buy their publication, to read it, but my interest in this is, you know, I have no intentions of making any type of report to the newspaper or anything, I will do exactly as...

BC: (at same time as CJC above:) Right... right, right.

VL: Don't put that on his arm, it would hurt him probably.




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