CJC:That's OK, I got a little boy just about your age myself... Ah... my intentions are to hear what you had to say this morning and to try to get it into an agency of the Air Force or portion of the Air Force that could help you. I must be frank with you and tell you that I know of no such part of the Air Force that today investigates these complaints but, on your behalf, I will forward it on to that agency and say, look this is what these people reported to me. I give it to you to decide if you want to do something with it or not, if you want to do something with it then fine, but, you know, unfortunately Senator Benson in referring you here... we're an agency that has not investigated UFO sightings in almost eleven years. And then we were, in effect, told by the Congress and the President that we would not be doing that anymore.
BC: Well, he didn't tell me to come here for you to investigate UFOs, he said to come here to file a claim.
CJC: OK, now if you wish to file a claim, we can help you in that respect.
VL: That's why (unintelligible)... that's what we want to do.
CJC:OK, if you wish to do that... Miss Wolf... we have the documents and the paperwork to assist you in getting started along those lines, but I must tell you at the beginning, OK, in as much that I am a government attorney as is Captain Davis... we cannot provide you with legal advice...
VL: .. Well, we don't need any legal advice.
CJC: ... the claims forms are the forms which, and they're self explanatory...
VL: Cause, we have the proof, and when you have the proof, you don't need legal advice.
CJC: Well... that's... that's true, I'm sure... but anyhow, the ah... the forms are self explanatory, Miss Wolf will give them to you and if you wish to go ahead and file a claim, then, you know we'll process it in that respect, OK? Now let me ask you, do you wish that I go forward with this information to Washington?
BC: (emphatically) Sure!
CJC: .. or that I hold it back and attach it to your claim?
BC: Well, send it on in.
VL Either way, either way, (unintelligible)... the better I'd like it. It doesn't make any difference to me.
CJC:OK. Again, my intentions in talking with you today was to find out as much as possible about what happened...
VL:(breaking in) And we appreciate it, because ah... ah, we've been trying for seven, almost eight months now... ah to get answers which we get pieces, a little here, a little there till, um... its pretty well... like a puzzle you're putting together.. and... we gonna get it together... it's gonna be fit together.
CTD: We suggest that ah... you get advice from a civilian attorney about filling out your claim forms and filing a claim.
CJC:Primarily so that whenever you go to process it, or once it's submitted that everything you need to have is there, and all the things you may be claiming against are attached to the claims document, and we have everything, you know, to go by... now I'm sure they'll require some written statement as to what happened to you, and if you'd like, you can reference the conversation that we had today... ah... but I'll assure you that it'll be given the same consideration as any other claim that is made against the government, as far as to determining whether or not it's a claim that the United States Government should pay, and, you know, it'll be treated with, you know, the same type of consideration that we give the others... Captain Davis, would you like to explain to them the claims procedure?
PW:Ok, we got enough for both of 'em?
Um hum.
CJC:... have to be one for each of you... one for Colby, one for Eunice Cash, one for Eunice Landrum.
CTD:... And you'll need two... and you'll need... The forms are self-explanatory, but you'll need to sign 'em, all this original and like I said, you may want to consult with a civilian attorney to yet the best advice on what to do ... but uh ... the claim forms are really self-explanatory.
CL: I want to sign.
CJC: I think you'll have to wait a few years before you'll know how.
VL: If you wouldn't mind, (unintelligible) here's our address, you can just mail it to Dayton.
CTD: . Dayton is in our...
CJC: I'm sure I'll take your word for it, Ms. Cash.
BC: (laughs)
CTD: Your name begins with a "C", C-A-S-H?
BC: Right.
CJC:OK... I'm glad you came by here today, and again my intentions are to help you in any way I can from the standpoint of getting you channeled into the right Air Force Agency, I also have the obligation to tell you that we have no such agency to investigate or to find out from it, and I must tell you that as well, 'cause I don't have the authority here to create one...
BC: breaking in) Right...
PW: We will need to have these forms filled out, in the original and two carbon copies, but you'll have to sign all three copies, Ok?... and as for your son here, since you're his legal guardian you will sign...
BC:Fill each form with two carbon copies?
PW:Yes ma'am... Uh huh... Put the two carbons in and just fill out the one form and it'll come through, but do sign each one.
BC: Well thank you, I'm sorry that we took up your time, but we had to get...
CJC: My time is your time
VL: That's the reason I was hypnotized, because, I mean, I, I, I knew I wasn't lying, and I did it because I wanted these other people to know I wasn't lying, so ah....
CJC:OK, if you would please, ah... just so that... since we referenced it in our conversation, the letter from Senator Benson, if you would you please let us have it...
BC: Surely.
CJC: ... you know, it would give us a document...
VL:I appreciate him sending it to me, it's more than we could get out of anybody else... so I really appreciated him taking up his time.
CJC:OK, well we certainly appreciate you coming by... do you-all need any help in getting off base, or anything?
BC:No, I think we can make it.
BC: We found it. (laughs)
VL:The only thing is terrible my eyes are bad and I can hardly see how to drive, and she... her being in the hospital and everything, she forgot she had a birthday, and when she was sick down here a while ago she got expired driver's license!
BC: Oh dear! (laughs)
VL: Well, I guess I'll have to drive back today..
VL&BC: (Both together laughing and joking about driving home)
BC: ... Unless I go downtown and get my driver's license...
VL: (breaking in) Reckon she could yet 'em down here? CJC:Oh, yes, there are several places here and they'll make them for you while you wait, there's one down on, what is that? (unintelligible), isn't that a big testing center there?
(Cassette end)