August 1981, Part 10
CJC: What happened to your hair?
CL: Just a little... little bitty place started coming out.
CJC: Did you lose all of your hair or just part of it?
CL: Part of it.
CJC: Ok...
CL: (continuing) ... not even part of it really, just that spot right there.
CJC: Right... The top of your head? .. right here, the crown?
CL: Uh huh...
CJC: (continuing) ... on the very tip-top part of your head? What about your eyes?
CL: They... every time I get in the pool, they start... getting real red.
CJC: The swimming pool? What happens to your skin when you get in the sunlight?
CL: Sunburned.
CJC: Does it burn real fast after you've been out there?, or do you have to be out for awhile?
CL: Have to be out there for about a hour or 30 minutes.
CJC: OK... what happened to your face whenever you... later on after you saw this thing in the sky... what happened to you?
CL: I don't remember,,. it's been so long ago.
CJC:It's been what?, six months ago?... Did you have any problem with a blister on your side of your face?
CL: (pause)... yes... a little bit.
CJC: OK, what happened?
CL: They started popping ... uh... every time I got in the sun they'd pop.
CJC: OK. Are you sick anymore?
CL: Sometimes... this morning... my stomach was starting to hurt this morning... when I was eating... went to Dairy Queen to eat.
CJC: What about whenever you go to the bathroom? Do you still have problems with it being real soft?
CL: Mmmmmmmm.
CJC: OK, alright. Thank you Colby... Um... regarding relative to Colby, have you had any expenses regarding his treatment?
VL: Nothing but his eyes, I've been doctoring him at home for the simple reason that um... see I always worked, and uh... when I got so I couldn't work anymore... on what my husband makes... he has a good job, compared to what, you know... not compared to what some people have, but his take home pay is $243.00 a week, by the time we pay rent, bills and our car note and gas for him to go back and to work, there's very little left for groceries much less for medical bills... so I doctor him at home, or I don't doctor him, unless... if he was to get real real sick because they couldn't find out what was wrong with Betty, and I'm not going to put him through all this... all of that unless they come up with something that they can that they can doctor him with, without doctoring him for everything under the book.
Let me ask you, your relationship again... was just one of friends? or are y'all related by blood?
BC&VL: Friends...
VL: I was working after work, at a little place she had out on the... and we were moving, in the process of moving to a bigger place, and we were just out riding around, you know like friends do, and we run into this thing, and just like I wrote the uh... congress, and uh... way I feel, that if our government don't know what that was that hurt us... we're in a bad shape... because it had to be manmade.
CJC: Uh huh... why do you say it had to be manmade?
VL: Well, I don't think nobody... don't think there are any little green men out there to make one.
CJC: So you don't believe in life on other planets.
VL:: sure didn't.
CJC: OK... how about you Ms. Cash?
BC: I never have believed in it either.
CJC: OK. So its fair to say then, let me see if you agree with this, that you ah... saw this object in the sky and it was being accompanied by some helicopters which you believe to be from the United States Air Force.... and...
VL: (breaking in) I don't say it's from the Air Force... I didn't see no sign... no name on them or nothing, I was too busy, like said wish the baby, and when we stopped looking at them and everything, he was showing me, you know, the kind, and, but they had the twin rotaries on them, and when we had our um... aircraft day rodeo, there was one just like the one we saw that lit in Dayton with a load of uh... National Guard that was going to march in the parade that evening, and I went up there and talked to the helicopter... I mean I didn't say a word, we was just talking about uh... the shape of a helicopter and everything, it was just astonishing. And I said, do these things ever fly anymore? And he said we were called out the night of the 29th by the Harris county Sheriff's Department...
BC: Montgomery County... Montgomery County.
VL: Montgomery County Sheriff's Department, and when a certain person ah... confronted him with it, he told him that he had heard about the incident but they wasn't called out. But that exactly what he told me, and I've got his autograph because of, you know, a little boy back up there, I got his autograph, and it's right there.