August 1981, Part 11
CJC: OK, Do you have that with you?
VL: Did I bring that with me?
CJC: Yeah, I hope you did.
CJC: Why don't you give us everything that you brought with you that's related to this, ah... to what you saw, and if there's any way we can make copies of it then we'll give it a try to.
BC: (rummaging through things) I'm not sure that Don gave me that...
VL: Its in a red envelope... shoot... I didn't ask him for that, he told me that and then I guess he figured he'd said the wrong thing... but uh... that's not it... nope...
CTD: Is that a picture of the type of helicopter?
VL: What?
CTD: ... of the type of helicopter you saw?
VL&BC: No, this is one that they're gonna be bringing out in 1981.
VL: Have you got it?
BC: Huh?
VL: In your purse... it was in there, with those pictures.
BC: Somebody... I hope we didn't go off and leave it..
VL: We didn't bring yours?
BC: .. yeah, I got mine, in the car.
VL: Can I go outside and come back in?
CJC: Sure...
PW: Do you know your way out?
CJC: Ms. Landrum, come... OK...
VL: (leaving) ... I got my, uh..
BC: Wait, wait, wait, wait, here it is, here it is- (laughs)
CJC: (loudly calling out) She found... Ms. Landrum
PW: I should be able to read the (unintelligible) on the machine.
CJC: OK, Miss Wolf, would you take the photographs that ah... she showed to us.
PW: (to BC and VL) May I take those that you brought here today?
**** (All talking at once)
CJC: ... and ah... the documents.... I understand...
BC: ... (unintelligible) at home, I'm sorry... I'm not real proud of that one there...
VL: This is like...
CJC: I understand...
BC: I just got to pull my wig off about a month ago...
VL: This is like the helicopter that looked... and this is uh.. see this here? ...
CTD: Now you see that says Army National Guard...
VL: (breaking in) Well, I mean this... I've taken these pictures here by myself, 'cause I was wanting to satisfy, cause when this one started over... you know, Dayton, I was living right there the edge of Dayton, he like to had a fit because he thought that the thing was coming back to get him.
CTD: Now you see, that says Army National Guard, and a big...
VL: Yeah but...
CTD:... insignia of Texas... ... did you see that at all, was that on the...?
**** (All talking at once)
BC: (emphatic) No I did not!, because I was not in the city of Dayton at the time.
VL: She didn't, She didn't see this one...
CTD: No, no, no, no.... CJC: Hold on a second... We were talking on about the night in question, the night you supposedly saw the object in the sky, the UFO.
BC:No, no.
VL: The only thing... I... the only thing I can tell you is that, to me they, they looked just like this, and I couldn't see nothing on them.
CJC: How were you able to count them at night?... did they...
VL:Well, like I say, I might have counted more or less, but I was saying: one, two, three, because they were coming, I mean, even when we got down there uh to the um, bank we could look back and there were some that were, were going like... they were going toward it. I mean some of them wasn't the double rotary type, some of them was the other type, I mean just a... like, you know they weren't quite as big, but what caught our eyes was the ones that had the double rotaries up there.
BC: They're weird looking.
VL: Well they really were!.
CTD: The double rotary one was the one you saw "U.S. Air Force" on... ?
BC: Yeah, CTD:... and it... you did not remember seeing anything like... that looked like a silhouette of the State of Texas?
BC: No.