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Alien Documents - Cash-Landrum Sighting Transcription



August 1981, Part 7

CJC: OK, let me ask you, did you at any time look directly at the UFO... ?

VL: Yes sir, yes sir.

CJC: ...and for how long?

VL: Oh, um... well I'll tell you, he was screaming and crying and everything so, and I thought the world was coming to an end, and I believed that sooner or later we'd gonna have to meet somebody. And I was telling him that ah.. look right in it, you know, I was showing him, I didn't find where the object was, you know when I... it was kinda like a flat... aluminum, I guess, you know, the inside of it looked dark, you know, the object did, and I was telling him to look right inside if he saw a big man it'd be Jesus. And we set there and I kept talking to him to watch for that man to come down inside. And I looked at it from the time she was... got out of the car until she got back in, I got out for just a few minutes and burned my arm on top of the car, and this one has always been a lot worse than this one. You know, I was holding him in and had my arm up on the car, you know, like you kinda hold somebody in the door, and um... but I guess I looked at it... too long. Because I was trying to keep him quiet and show him something that would be more pleasant that what he was seein'.

CJC:OK. Now um... you mentioned the fact that you had sustained some type of burn or. . something under each arms...

burning car car fire carfire

VL:(interrupting) Yeah, you see when it goes away, it leaves knots like... and ah... and when I went to the doctor there in Houston... I mean I was sick, I had the diarrhea and everything, but I was taking care of Betty, I was taking care of Colby, I didn't have time to go to the doctor, and I didn't have time to carry him 'cause he was like a little baby for over a month. I mean he had no control over his bowels, or his, you know, nothing, and I was taking care of him, and I wasn't going to leave him. And um... so uh... the doctors down there asked me had I been around any poison oak or poison ivy on my arms. And when it finally... the blisters kinda cleared up and left, places healed up and looks terrible. They yet come up, and uh... now the ones that come up is leaving knots.

CJC:OK, let me just say for this tape recorder say that on your left hand there is a... uh... I think this is the metacarsha... metacarpals upper left hand, portion of her left hand there is a bruise about the size of a quarter, that's uh... kind of a deep purple, and you said that last Saturday that turned... this past...

CJC: OK. And that there are several scars and blisters on the lower portion of her arm and hands. Now ah... let me ask you did...

VL: (breaking in) And my fingernails come off, they're, they're they're back now but they come completely off, my fingernails did. I saved the fingernails for some scientist.

CJC: You say you saved them, have you turned them over to any scientists or anything?

VL: I'm fixing to, I've got them. I got each one of them tagged and named.

CJC: Alright, now let me ask you... did you have any other skin sensitivity problems for the rest of your life?

VL: Well ah... we was completely blistered, and he ah... he's got scars on his face where he had hanging water blisters, on his little cheek and everything, over on that side. Just one, one side of his face because I... the reason I believe its not on this side is because I was hugging that side to me, I think that other side is the one that got it, the one that had the hanging blisters because one side wasn't blistered as bad as the other side.

CJC: Alright, let me ask... just specifically about you though, are other parts of your body heat sensitive or sunlight sensitive?

VL: No, seems like it's my eyes and my arms because my eyes feel just like they've got sand in them, and I can get out in the sun or anything and it feels just like I want to just put my hand up there and just rub them out I guess, if I didn't make myself stop I could just rub them until I didn't have any eyes anymore.

CJC:OK, now did you suffer any hair loss at all?

VL: Yes sir, I lost my hair. But now my hair didn't come out until about, it was about six weeks after the incident when I... about a month, about a month after the incident, my hair started coming out, and it's just come back, I haven't... I mean this is the way it looks since it's come back, I had soft, manageable easy hair to... I mean it was, it was extra fine hair, it was a little like baby hair, and it was, it was kinda, you know wavy, curly I could do anything with it, after it come out and came back, this is what I got... cause I'm ashamed to even go to the grocery store.

CJC: Ah... did you, either of you, experience any... I know you mentioned you experienced dysentery, but did any of you experience nausea?


VL: Oh... sick! You ain't.. I was... I'd get up to go to the bathroom, and I'd be.. I'd get so sick that I'd have to lay down on the bathroom floor until I got able to get back to bed.

CJC:OK. Now can you give us any more information regarding the UFO itself?... what you saw, or a better description or can you compare the size of it to anything?

VL: (breaking in) Well, it was about the size of ah... I'd say a BIG water tower... um.. not at the top, you know, but I mean it come kinda down this a way, but it was long, it wasn't no short, it was long.

CJC: How many flames, separate flames did you see from the

bottom, 1, 2, 3..? VL:(breaking in) Well there was so many, there was so many... much light, that honestly I was only seeing one, I mean there wes just... like the flame come down, you know? ... just like, just like a rocket... just like you'd shoot off a rocket or something, you know how the flame will come down?

CJC: Yeah, how many separate flames did you see, did you see more than one flame at a time?


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