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Alien Documents -Cash-Landrum Sighting Transcription



August 1981, Part 6

CJC: OK. Do you have a better address for Dr. Shoney.. you say Parkway... is it Parkway Hospital?

BC: Yes, uh huh.

CJC:(breaking in) I'm not familiar with it, that's the reason I asked...

BC:(breaking in) He has, ah... well he has an office too on Antoine. I'm not sure what the address is because if I go to see him for anything, I just drive right to it. (chuckles)

CJC I see. OK. Now ah... you unders.... you tell me you that currently still have dysentery and some hear loss, is that... hearing loss, is that correct?

BC: I still have headaches, I still have upset stomach, I still can't take a hot bath, if I do, I look like a burn victim all over again.

CJC: OK just a min... Ok, would you..

BC: I can't stand the heat

CJC: OK. You're... so... in other words you're heat sensitive?

What about exposure to sunlight?

Tell me about it BC: I can't take the sunlight. I mean It's just to the point where I have to stay in the house unless it gets out after it gets cool in the afternoon and the sun goes down, or either I am in the bed sick the next day.

CJC: OK. Now does this include... what part of your bodies are heat sensitive?

BC: My entire body

CJC: Entire body... OK. Alright, uh... let me ask you, how old are you?

BC: Fifty two

CJC: Fifty two. Alright uh.

CTD: May I ask some questions?

CJC: Yeah, why don't you ask some questions.

CTD:The only question... you said something about her hands touching the dashboard of your car...

Melted metal

BC: Right.

CTD: And you said something melted?... the dashboard melted, is that what you said?

BC: Well, I guess that the dashboard melted, her fingerprints right where she pressed on my dash, when I threw on my brakes to save, to keep from going under it... they're imbedded in my dash.

CTD: And is that car here today?

BC: No, it's in Alabama; I flew out

CTD: Oh...

BC: I'm not able to drive that distance. My mother came down here and took me back to Alabama because I wasn't able to take care of myself. CJC: OK now... you gave an address as being in Clayton Texas.

BC: (breaking in) Dayton.

CJC: Dayton Texas

CTD: She lives on Clayton Street

CJC: OK, are you currently living in Alabama now?

BC: Yes.

CJC: What's your address there?

BC: 209 48th. Street in Fairfield, Alabama

CJC:Fairfield. I'm a little bit familiar with Alabama

BC:Are you?

CJC ... close to the area, not Fairfield, but not far from it.

BC: Well right now it's almost like being in Birmingham, used to it was 12 miles out of town, it was a long way out in the country.

CJC:Yeah, Birmingham has grown quite a bit. OK, and ah... is it because of this incident you moved back to Alabama or... ?

BC: Right.

CJC: Now let me ask Ms. Landrum some questions. Ah... is there any observances or anything that you saw during the sighting that differs from what Ms. Cash saw?

VL: Well, no, but there's something that she didn't tell.

CJC: OK, and what's that?.

VL: Okay they... when she was talking about the fire... ah... when it would come... you know, it was hanging up, you know, over the trees... when the fire'd come down, it would lift up, and when the fire'd let up, you know... when the fire'd kinda go away... that's when it would come back down... and finally when big gust of fire came down and the sound was so shrill, that's when it lifted to where it would get up and go away.
Fire from the UFO

CJC:OK. Now what, if anything happened to you as a result of being...

VL: Well um... you can see the scars on my arms, and when I get out in the sun you can see that this come up in a big blister Saturday when it ... happened. And uh... my eye doctor said that there's a possibility that within a year or year and a half that he'll have to operate. there's a possibility when he operates on my eyes, because ah... the film is already has.. had started... started forming... you know, a film, like cataracts, except that my eyes was burned so bad that they teared for about three months. Nothing but tears would pour, you know?, and they was swelled so that I could hardly see. And he said that if they were, wasn't ... was regular cataracts hopefully that he could remove them and I'd yet have some of my sight. But if they're imbedded cataracts, that I won't never see again.




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