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Alien Documents - Cash-Landrum Sighting Transcription



August 1981, Part 3,

CJC; Sorry, Ms. Landrum, what did you say?

VL: We're going to a radio station to detect the sounds, when we get back to Houston.

CJC: OK. Now if you would, what else... what other information that you... that you can give us.

BC: Well, I had not killed the motor on the car, I had put it park. The radio was playing on low, but the car completely went dead. I mean, it was like somebody had turned a switch off on it. And when the thing began to lift up, well we were all horrified... well in fact Vicki's the one, I guess maybe I would have tried to have gone on under it, that's how scared I was. But she screamed for me to stop, and right where she put her hands, her fingerprints are still on my dash, it melted my dash in the car with her fingerprints imbedded. So we... I finally got the car started and it was so hot I had to turn on the air conditioning in order for us to get cool. And by that time we were all burning up. It was just... well it's just something really you've got to experience to really describe.

BC: Well, they measured and I think it was what... about 60 to 80 feet and we had stopped about 130 to 133 feet from it... back... from the object.

CJC: So it was about... you were 130 feet away from it... and it was how many feet high?

BC: 60 to 80 feet... above.

CJC: OK, and ah... how long did this sighting last, how long were you exposed to it?

BC:Well, I'd say about 15 to 16, 17 minutes, it seemed like hours to me, but it couldn't have been that long because when I got home it was ten minutes till ten, which is approximately a twenty minute drive from where this happened.


CJC: Did you report it to any authorities or anything at that time?

BC: Sure did.

CJC: Who did you report it to?

BC: Well, (sighs)... we kept calling Washington, in fact I still have the phone number. And they said that they would have someone come out and check. Well they got in touch with Bill English with A-R-P-O, and he contacted us.

CJC: What is the A-R-P-O?

VL:It's the A-P-R-O, it's uh... uh... research of UFOs uh.. that's uh not, I mean they don't have no means of support, other than they do it on their own, you know, it's just like an organization which... uh... cause these are people who do care about people that get hurt.


CJC: Let me ask you did you report it to any law enforcement authorities.

BC: Yeah, sure.

CJC:Who did you report it to?

BC:I didn't report it to any of 'em, I was too sick, by the time I got home, I had blisters all over my head, my face, my back, my neck, I was burning... from the inside out. Vicki is the one that called everybody and tried to get help for me. Because she couldn't get a doctor to see me at the time, and a policeman in Dayton is the one that gave her the number to call, wasn't it Vicki?

VL: Uh huh... and he had to hunt it up and it took him about two days to find it.

VL: Uh Huh... (unintelligible)... Dayton about two days running...

CJC: Ms. Landrum, we'll have... you'll have a full chance to add to or expand upon it, so you'll have an opportunity to speak in a minute... um... did... you mentioned, I think, to Miss Wolf the other day, last Friday when you called, that you had contacted a Congressman and he had referred you here, would you basically tell us how that came about?

BC: Ah, Yes. Alan Hendry, who I don't know, never heard of, from Atlanta, Georgia contacted me and said he wanted to help any way he could and he's the one who asked me to write to Charles Wilson, to Lloyd Benson and to John... uh... Tower, and he said he felt sure that that way I could get some help. Charles Wilson referred me to a Mr. Glass in Van Nuys California, who is a UFO researcher or something, but... Lloyd Benson wrote a real nice letter back and asked me to come here and talk with y'all, and he felt sure that you-all'd try to help in any way you could.

CJC: OK, do you have a copy of this letter today?

BC: No, I don't.

CJC: Ok, do... did you write Senator Tower?

BC: Yes, I did.

CJC: And what response, if any, did you get from him?

BC: Not any yet.

CJC: How long ago was it that you wrote?

BC: Approximately three weeks ago.

CJC: OK. And Senator Benson recommended that you come here and talk to the Staff Judge Advocate or talk to who?

CJC: OK, would you be so kind as to send us a copy... Miss Wolf, would you write down our address here... would you send us a cop of that letter?

BC:Yes, I'll be glad to.

Bell-Huey C47 Chinook Helicopters

BC: (breaking in) Because of the helicopters.

CJC: OK, would you tell us about the helicopters now?

BC: Yes, there was helicopters completely around the object.

CJC: And its the type of helicopters that I've never been used to seeing.




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