August 1981, Part 4
BC: They were the ones that had two deals, two rotors on them, and they were quite a few. We drove on up the road and pulled over and stopped, and I counted twenty three.
CJC: OK, did these helicopters have any type of markings?
BC: Yes, they sure did.
CJC: And what type...
BC: They had "United States Air Force".
CJC: OK, and you say there were about 23 of them?
BC:Yes, that I counted. Vicki says she counted 26. Who knows? We were all so sick and burning and hot and scared till... that I don't say that we didn't vary.
CJC: Did your U... Did the UFO you saw have any markings on it that you could see?
BC: Not that I could see, the light was so bright.
CJC: Now uh... did the helicopters stay with this UFO or...?
BC:Yes, ah... in fact, would you believe the first thing that entered my mind was about the pilots that were in the helicopters, because of the heat that we were feeling there. I was scared for them, to tell you the truth.
CJC: Approximately how far away were the helicopters from this object?
BC: (lowered voice) Not very far.
CJC: Would you give me a distance in feet, or in football lengths, football field lengths?
BC:I don't think they'd be... that they were that far, maybe so, I can't, I won't say. Because unless I can be sure I'm not going to say.
CJC: Uh.. when you're using this description of a water tower, you know, it was that far above the ground or it was, you know, As big as a water tower, do you have a water tower in mind that you are referring to? or that you're using as a standard? is there one in Clayton Texas, that you're... ?
BC: You mean Dayton?
CJC: Dayton Texas No... I... is there a water tower there
BC: There's one there.
VL: There's two of them
CJC:Well I'm trying to... there's any different... there's a number of different sizes of water towers, I'm just trying to get an idea of how big the UFO was, and you say its about the size of a water tower, I'm just trying to say is it as big as a water tower that you've seen, you could tell me where... ?
BC:Well, yeah, I've seen them all over the country. You know, standing high, but I mean there's no certain water tower that I'm speaking of. But I've just seen them going into cities and things. They have big white water towers usually.
CJC: OK. Uh... What exactly did you see on the side of the helicopters? what exactly did it say?
BC: Uh... "United States Air Force"
CTD: Written out (clears throat) completely long?
BC: No.
CTD: OK, what..
BC: It was round
CTD: No, I mean you saw the words "United States Air Force" all the words were spelled out
BC: No.
CTD: Ok, that's what I'm asking, exactly what did you see? CJC: Why don't you... right here on this piece of paper where you put your name and all... why don't you write down the words exactly as you saw them on the sides of the helicopters.
CL: (unintelligible)
VL: -... that landed in Dayton? Shhhh. (Pause apparently writing... CJC: OK. now you've written that out with a... was it printed?... or written?... I wanted you give me exactly as you saw it.
BC: No, it was printed out.
CJC: Printed out, OK. Alright, ah.
BC: (breaking in) Do you want me to put here "printed out?"
CJC: No, that's OK. Why don't you just put your initials by that. (pause) OK. ... Now um... these were the type that had twin rotors on top?
BC: Right.
CJC: Now, ah... did you remain there until the UFO left?
BC: Yes... very definitely.
CJC: Alright, and did these helicopters follow after it? BC:Yes, they sure did. In fact, ah... they drifted more to the west..., east, west, or west... over toward Crosby and Intercontinental Airport was the way they were... it was headed and the helicopters were on both sides of it and looked like they were trying their best to get around the top of it. It was unreal. In fact, even driving down 1960, when we stopped at the stop sign to turn onto 1960... we drove to the First National Bank in Dayton which, at the time, was under construction, and we could still see helicopters coming. Now whether they were going to help the other crews or what, I didn't take time to find out.
CJC: OK, now what type of effects or problems have you had as a result of what you saw?