UFO Crashes in Manchester, UK
October 2004
 UK ufologist Stephen F. Balon is hot on the trail of what may be the biggest UFO story in the British Isles since the saucer crash at Boyle, Ireland in 1995.
On Wednesday, October 13, 2004, at 7:30 a.m., a massive explosion rocked the greater Manchester area in UK. According to Balon, "the explosion was heard as far west as the Isle of Man, as far north as Rochdale and as far south as Timberly."
The initial report "appeared in the Manchester Evening News, about an explosion that centred in the village of Worley, near Manchester," Balon said, "At first it was thought an earthquake was the cause. The British Geological Survey was contacted and said this had not disturbed any seismic instruments."
"Dozens of people living in Worley sent their comments to the Manchester Evening News Web site to give their explanations of what had happened," Balon added, "What has come from this case is nothing short of incredible. I have been investigating this case for days, and there is no doubt about what happened here."
Balon claims that a UFO crashed in a wood near the center of Worley and that the site was cordoned off by uniformed and plainclothes police for a few days thereafter.
"A second article was published in the Manchester Evening News in which a woman driving home from work saw in the sky two fireball-type objects with flames coming off them. I have collected reports from dozens of individual people who saw these two objects in different areas."
"Also, a report from Jodrell Bank (observatory) said in the Manchester Evening News that it was a bolide or meteor that caused the explosion. The bolide was the size of 'a hazel nut or a tennis ball,'" an astronomer said.
"I got a report from a witness on the Isle of Man, 100 miles (160 kilometers) away," Balon said.
"Also, a man out walking his dog on the day of the incident saw uniformed police officers walking around a wood in the centre of Worley. Also, a man stopped his car near the (motorway M60) exit for Worley. Another motorist pulled onto the hard shoulder due to hearing the huge explosion. He said he saw smoke coming from the wood near to where the (other) man had seen the police looking around. Plainclothes police were walking in pairs near the scene."
On Friday morning, "October 15, 2004, a local man said, 'There were dozens of police all over Worley centre, and the park (parking lot in the USA--J.T.) was full of police vehicles."
"The last piece of the jigsaw in this case concerns a lady in the town of Bury who on the day of the explosion saw four RAF (Tornado fighter) jets flying at a very low level, heading towards the Salford-Manchester area."
The similarities to the Boyle case are amazing. In 1995, a daylight disc crashlanded north of a lake in Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland. NATO troops and Gardai (Irish national police--J.T.) immediately surrounded and cordoned off the crash site. Five extraterrestrial survivors were reportedly captured.
The "Boyle Five" were taken to Shannon International Airport, near Dublin, and then airlifted to the USA, where they were reportedly incarcerated at Camp Condon, a P.O.W. facility for captured aliens.
"So, did they find something in the wood so strange that there has been nothing about this incident on TV, radio or in the newspapers?" Balon asked, "One has to ask- -has a D Notice been put on this case" by UK's Ministry of Defence?
Stephen F. Balon is a former DIGAP member who has been involved in research into UFOs, the paranormal, crop circles and anomalies for over 40 years. Balon is a noted lecturer who has appeared on TV several times and was a colleague of the late Arthur Tomlinson. Together they investigated the Ilkely Moor UFO case. Balon has also written extensively on the Silpho Moor UFO case.
UK Ministry Opens UFO Files to Public