New Military Witness to Living Extraterrestrial Lifeform From the Roswell NM Crash

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., July 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Steven M. Greer MD, Director of The Disclosure Project (
It's reported that a new Army Intelligence witness has come forward with knowledge of an extraterrestrial biological life form who survived the UFO crash at Roswell, NM.
This witness saw a living ET three years after the famous crash in New Mexico in 1947. In 1950, this witness, who was at a military facility on the east coast, saw a four to five foot tall ET being who was being held in a cage in a guarded bunker. Apparently the ET was being transported to a facility for study. This witness, who is highly credible, states that he learned that this ET was the sole remaining living being from the Roswell crash in July of 1947. The ET had a larger than human head, and was yellow-gray in color. The ET was in a small cage and under armed guard. This witness states that another ET survived the crash but had since died in captivity.
A separate military witness, whose father was a senior official in the US Government, has told The Disclosure Project, that his father made a death-bed confession of seeing an ET being at a facility near where this new Army Intelligence witness had seen the ET.
Recently, the sealed account of Lieutenant Walter Haut was released after his death where he confirmed the extraterrestrial origins of the egg-shaped object that crashed in New Mexico in 1947.
Dr. Greer stated, "There is growing evidence that there have been extraterrestrial vehicles visiting Earth for many decades and that this has been kept secret for reasons other than national security. The energy and propulsion systems behind these spacecraft have been studied and been kept secret because this disclosure would terminate the need for oil, gas, coal and other forms of polluting but highly profitable energy.
The Roswell event is only one of many- and show that rogue covert projects are handling a matter which would best be managed by calmer heads: The Roswell crash was in fact a deliberate targeting of an ET vehicle, and other Star Wars type events have occurred where rogue military operations have targeted these visitors. It is a dangerous and unnecessary game that needs public oversight and full disclosure to the people. Rather than engaging in hostile actions, we need to form an international body to deal openly with this subject and make peaceful contact with these visitors.
Militarizing space and targeting these ET vehicles is dangerous, foolish and highly risky. It is time for the truth to be known openly and peaceful contact made by those who can respond to this challenge in a peaceful manner. The advanced technologies that have resulted from tax- payer funded research should be released so that we can move to the next chapter of human civilization- a post-carbon future, free from our addiction to oil and the resulting damage to the Earth's eco-system."
The Disclosure Project is calling for open Congressional hearings on the matter and has identified several hundred military, intelligence and corporate witnesses to events and projects related to ET encounters. In May of 2001, The Disclosure Project hosted a news conference at the National Press Club, reported in the world - wide media, at which over 20 of these military officials testified to what they had witnessed while in the military regarding UFO/ET events. Their testimony may be seen at
Related: Complete Roswell Witness List