Ancient Monolith's
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Many structures around the world were created thousands of years ago. Yet the technology needed to construct them does not even exist today. Who built them?

This MASSIVE 3 million square foot stone platform contains huge stones, including "The Trilithons' which each weigh 1200 tons, that's 2.4 million pounds. Much later, the Greeks and Romans built their temples on top of it. Legend has it that the Sun god helios landed upon the platform with his fire chariot. The site is also described in the ancient flood tale of Gilgamesh.
The ancient North American site includes large mounds of a variety of sizes and shapes. Recently drilling into one of them revealed a heretofore unknown and unexpected solid rock core which, it is believed, may be made of limestone. Efforts continue to reveal the hidden inner workings of these structures.

Up to one hundred massive earthen pyramids, solidified to rock hardness, are located within remote areas of China. Although the government does not allow many to come near them, photographs have surfaced revealing some of them to be as much as a mile on a side.
 The City at Cydonia on Mars and surrounding structures appear to be the Anunnaki trans-shipment base spoken of in the ancient Sumerian texts. The Annunnaki sent the gold which they needed to fix their home planet's atmosphere from Earth to Mars to await the reapproach of Nibiru on it's 3600 year elliptical orbit. Thus , these structures will likely be found to have been constructed circa. 250,000 B.C., depending on how soon after gold shipments began that the Anunnaki decided to utilize the base.
Easter Island

Humongous carved stone heads weighing an average of 13.78 tons are arranged all over the island.There are no known written records to explain their purpose or origin. Some of the "moai" carved in the quarry are as much as 165 tons. Some suggest that the workers who "vandalized" the Anunnaki Nazca lines fled to Easter island and constructed the maoi with the techniques they learned from the Anunnaki.

A striking characteristic of the pyramids and Sphinx of Giza is the way in which they are integrated into a grand architectural plan, based on mathematical and astronomical data. There is no evidence that the pyramids were used as tombs. What is certain is that two narrow shafts emanating from inside the Great Pyramid were directed to two specific stars: Zeta Orionis, one of the three stars in Orion's belt, and Sirius, in the constellation of Canis Major. It is certain, too, that the principal Giza monuments form an accurate terrestrial 'map' of the three stars of Orion's belt as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.
Located 8,000 feet above sea level, Maccu Picchu was constructed out of massive stone blocks with great precision. Studies indicate it would be impossible for conventional means to lift the stones from quarries far down the mountains to such incredible heights. Also, the structures include a series of alignments which measure the precession of the equinoxes.
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