Electromagnetic Fusion & ET Space Technology
Part 1 | Part 2

Part 2 of an interview by Robert M. Stanley in which space technology consultant David Adair goes on the record about his extraordinary experiences at Area 51.
Robert: And you were at Area 51 in 1971?
David: Right. June 20, 1971. So, we get there and it was just amazing, because we drove up to the side of these big steel doors and one of the officers got out and put his hand on a scanner-type thing and it flashed a light at him. I thought it took his picture. In hindsight, I would have to guess that it was a retina scanning device. And after the guy was scanned, the door opened up, so I knew this was a security system of a kind. This was 1971.
Let me put this into perspective. In 1971, we had no laptops, no modems, no fax, no VCR, no cellphones; we didn't even have handheld calculators. Texas Instruments developed those about five years later. So where in the hell did these guys get all this technology?
As soon as we went into the room, I immediately noticed the temperature drop, because it was warm in the big open areas we had just come from. It was very cool in this room. You could almost see your breath. And as we entered the room, the lights - wherever they were coming from - came on. And again there were no shadows being cast, anywhere.
Then someone threw a switch and activated a hoist attached to some cables that were attached to a big tarp. The tarp was lifted straight up, and sitting on this huge steel platform was a giant electromagnetic fusion containment engine! And I immediately knew that, because its configuration was similar to mine but it was the size of a Greyhound bus. Mine was about the size of a large watermelon!
You can recognise engines that are comparable. If I had an internal combustion engine taken out of a Model A Ford and had it sitting on the ground and you pulled an engine out of a Viper today and placed it alongside, you would recognise that they operate on the same principle of internal combustion. However, the difference in performance between the two is unbelievable.
It was the same situation with my little engine and this thing they had stored underground. They both ran on the same principle, the same configuration, but the level of sophistication is like that of the Model A compared to the Viper engine. This thing they had was so powerful. There were so many design features that I didn't recognise, for reasons that became clear.
Robert: At this point you were just looking at the engine. Where was the rest of the craft?
David: Well, that's where the argument started. They asked me if I liked what I saw. I said, "Well, yeah, but I'm confused. I thought I was the first one to build one of these engines."
And this is where things really started getting odd. The colonel that was with Dr Rudolph said, "Son, you want to help us with this design here since yours is very similar to it. You do want to help your country, don't you?"
Well, I had an American flag blanket. And I listened to Anita Bryant's record before I went to sleep. I was a real patriotic flag-waver even in the '70s. Of course, it wasn't real popular to do that then because the war in Vietnam was still raging. My peers couldn't understand why I loved America so much, but it was just the way I was raised.
So at first I agreed with the colonel that I wanted to help. However, I was very curious and asked, "Where are your people that built this engine?" He paused for a moment, then told me, "Well, they are on vacation right now. You're off on summer vacation, right?" And I said, "Okay! That's good. Did they leave any notes on their work that I can look at?" Then I was told, "Well, they took them with them as homework. You get homework." And I was thinking, "You know, this is really condescending. I am 17 years old." But that's how they treated 17-year-olds back then. So I thought, "Okay; I will play along with this asshole."
I agreed to help them, but told them that I needed to get a closer look at the engine. And they agreed, at which point I walked up and got onto the platform. And the closer I got to it, the more I realised that these people had no idea what this engine was; they were still trying to figure it out. I could tell that it didn't belong to us. And when I was about three feet away, the first thing I noticed was a perfect shadow of myself on the engine. And what did I tell you earlier?
Robert: There were no shadows anywhere.
David: Right. So how is my shadow showing up on this thing? And stranger still was that the shadow moved about a half a second behind me. That really got my attention. And I thought, "If this is what I think it is: a heat sensitive recognition alloy." And then I realised we don't have [any] known material that could do that. So I looked up at the engine and I asked for permission to climb to the top because I wanted to see the damaged area. The thing had a hole about four feet in diameter in the side of it, and this was the area that most interested me. Now, think of a figure eight, and right where the two circles cross each other is the eye of the hurricane. That's where the damage was located on this engine. Knowing my own engine, I was assuming that this thing had experienced some kind of breach in the electromagnetic flux field that acts as the containment wall that harnesses the power of the reactor engine.
These engines basically function like a magnetic bottle or sphere, and inside you have contained the power of the Sun or a hydrogen bomb continuously detonating. It's not impossible to figure out how this works, because it occurs all the time out in space. Black holes can suck an entire galaxy full of suns into their point of singularity. Obviously a black hole has no problem containing that fusion energy.
What I did was mathematically figure out a way to artificially create a synthetic black hole. And because it is based on a figure-eight design, once it has stabilised it will always implode and consume itself without pulling everything around it in. But this engine at Area 51 had lost its stabilisation in the figure eight, and that's why I was so curious about the hole.
The way this engine was built was really cool. There wasn't a single screw or rivet or weld seam anywhere on this entire device from end to end. It looked like it was grown rather than assembled. And I thought, "Man, whoever built this really has some incredible manufacturing techniques."
Over the years, I have been able to replicate this process to some extent in an experiment that I built. It flew onboard one of the 1993 Space Shuttle missions. It was part of the GAS (Get Away Special) program. That's where you rent space in a 55-gallon drum for your project. The first thing I did was melt alloys together, and when you spin them in a weightless environment you can create any type of dimension you want, because I figured out a way to control this. There was always a question about how you shape liquid metals in a weightless environment. It's a containerless process. It's a real phenomenon.
Robert: You made a form without using a mould?
David: Right. I figured out how to take a fluid glob floating in this weightless environment and control it. For every geometric shape and dimension, we know there is a corresponding sound wave. So I created this machine that was attached to a Moog synthesiser, which allowed me to replicate any shape I wanted simply by playing notes. This machine generates interlocking standing sound waves that vibrate, even in space, and which allowed me to shape the liquid metal.
That process proved to me what I had suspected when I first saw the engine at Area 51 in 1971: whoever built that engine used this process. This raised an even larger question in my mind. Who could have built an engine of this size in space? I have never discussed this publicly. But I was curious and I wanted to replicate that engine design, which was clearly built in a weightless environment.
Robert: Which means outer space?
David: It would have to be deep space. Like intergalactic deep space, away from any planets or stars.
Robert: I guess you wouldn't want your design process to encounter any gravitational fields?
David: Right. The less the better. They are called "gravity convections". They didn't want any gravity convection currents to show up in the alloy shaping process.
Anyway, when I placed my hands on the engine to pull myself up, I began climbing up the exterior of the engine, which was designed with an exoskeletal structure. The best way to explain this is to look at the designs of H. R. Geiger; he is the designer that created all the sets of the Alien movies.
Robert: What happened when you touched it?
David: It was warm, which didn't make any sense at all. It was so cold in that hangar, you could almost see your breath. I looked around on the floor and saw no power lines. And I asked myself, "How in the world could this alloy be staying warm?" And it was really hard. It was the hardest material I have ever touched. It didn't give anywhere. The surface cohesion tension on it felt more like a baby's skin. It was supple, but hard and warm.
Robert: That is weird, especially for metal.
David: Yeah, and I was thinking, "What the heck is going on?" And as I was crawling up everywhere, I touched the surface and it reacted. When I turned and looked at the Air Force guys, all their mouths were hanging open. And so I assumed that the reaction they were seeing hadn't happened for them, because wherever I touched it there were these really amazing blue and white swirls moving down through the hull of this thing. It looked like wavelengths that you see on an oscilloscope. When I pulled my hands off, it stopped. And I said, "Wow! This thing is reacting!"
So I continued to climb up until I reached the centre area. It had these vertebrae that branched off, cascading, fibre-like. They looked almost like fibre optic cables filled with some kind of fluid. They were very small tubes the size of angel hair pasta. There were millions of these things cascading over the hull of this engine. And I thought, "Boy, these patterns look familiar." Then it dawned on me: they looked like neural synaptic firing patterns. There were millions of them going out everywhere on this thing. So I thought that maybe the engine was designed with an exoskeletal brain. And at that point, I reached out and grabbed some of the fibres and found that they were really tough and that there was fluid in them. And wherever I touched, no matter what I touched, there would be a reaction to it like a tremor of visual lights.
As I walked down into the damaged area of this thing, I finally said to the Air Force guys, "You know, this thing is a power plant. It is more than a propulsion system. It is a power plant. It obviously came out of a big vehicle, a craft of some kind. Where is that craft located?" Now they were not happy with me, but I continued. "A craft like this must have had a crew. What did you do with those people? This is clearly not American or Soviet technology, is it, boys? This is some kind of extraterrestrial entity. How old is it? Did you dig it up? Is it millions of years old or did you guys shoot it down?" And man, they got really upset. They told the MPs to take me down off the engine. As I was coming down, I was really pissed off. I was so pissed off because I had had enough.
At this point, I knew where I was. I knew that this engine was from somewhere other than Earth. I didn't know where it had come from or how long they had had it, but it was obvious that my whole world was coming undone in that moment. I grew up in a world where the government would never lie. We had just landed on the Moon the year before. And here the Air Force had this technology and they weren't saying anything, which made me furious.
Robert: Let's back up a little. When you were on the engine, there was something that you saw, which you told me about in a previous conversation and which I found really fascinating. How and when did you see the interior of the reactor? Can you describe the crystals?
David: What happened was I asked for permission to inspect the damaged area inside of the engine where it had been blown open. They hesitated on that request.
Robert: This was before you made them angry?
David: Before I came out of that damaged area, totally pissed off, because when I got down in this thing, they told me to make it brief. So I got down and looked in the area. Man, there was some incredible-looking technology up and down this engine. And I couldn't get more than three feet into it before I came up to a wall. And this wall.it was like the iris/shutter on a camera lens. It had lots of interlocking fans that contract or expand - and I've always thought that would make the coolest door. Well, there was this little round pod-thing there, and I just put my hand on it; and when I did, the wall just shuttered open.
Robert: It opened for you?
David: It made a slight noise.
Robert: Maybe that's where they got the inspiration for the door design you saw at Area 51?
David: It could have been. I have no idea. But I got to look deeper into the engine. And what I saw in there was fascinating. It was such a trip being there because whenever I worked on my fusion engines, everything was so small; some parts I even had to machine under a microscope. Now, here was a replication of my basic design that was big enough to walk through. But man, this thing, what I had manufactured to achieve a certain function in my engine, this thing would have something else in its place. And this something else would be stuff I couldn't begin to recognise. There were these crystals that were facing each other. They were fabulous-looking crystals. And they were integrated into this plasma duct type thing.
And in my engine, I had such a hard time getting a cyclotron to curve the blast waves I needed for propulsion. This thing had some kind of venting system that allowed them to flush their plasma out through an area that looked like the gills of a shark. The whole thing was so organic looking. It looked like a living machine - both organic and inorganic incorporated together. It was an oxymoron. How do you explain something like that? So anyway, I just got to see a lot of stuff in there that I couldn't believe.
Robert: How many minutes were you in the interior alone?
David: I don't think I was in there more than five minutes. I know that doesn't sound like a very long time, but it felt like I was in there a week.
Robert: And I believe you said you have a photographic memory.
David: Yeah. I was just clicking non-stop. I was just absorbing it all in. And when I left, I didn't touch that pod, right? But as soon as I passed that area, the door closed behind me. I never told the Air Force guys that I went into that part of the engine. I don't think they ever knew there was another compartment in the interior that they could enter.
Robert: Why?
David: I don't believe that it allowed them access. There was a presence, though, about this engine. Just like you have a presence of a person and an entity. It just had its own. So I came out of the engine and was totally pissed off because I knew there was no way we could have built it. It was using some kind of crystal containment field power that we can't even imagine. I would have to work on it for a long time to figure out how they were doing the fractions. Where I was using the plasma in a linear mode, this thing was designed to go any direction it wanted with its plasma flows. That's impossible.
Robert: With a rocket?
David: Yeah. This thing could do anything. And I really wondered who in the hell built it. So as I started coming down the outside of the engine. After we got into a big argument, I noticed that now, wherever I touched the engine, it was no longer reacting with the nice blue and white swirls of energy. They had changed to a reddish-orange flame-looking pattern. And as I calmed down to try and figure out what that was, it changed back to the bluish white, more tranquil-looking pattern.
That's when I realised that the engine is not just heat sensitive; it reacts to mental waves. It is symbiotic and will lock on to how you think and feel. This allows it to interface with you. And that means this thing was aware. And it knew it was there. And I knew that it knew I was there.
Part 1 | Part 2