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Halloween History
Halloween Pumpkins
Halloween Projetcs
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Halloween Projects

Pumpkin Sil-boo-ettes!

This project makes pumpkin faces to put in the small windows in your front door. These faces will make shadow patterns inside your house when the sun is shining, and silhouettes from outside the house at night. If you'd like to put them in bigger windows enlarge the dimensions to suit your needs.
Computer paper - white or orange

Pumpkin Sil-boo-ettes

Print GIF or download and print GIF. The gif has two faces on it. The image is 6" x 10" and should be 'centered on page' when printing.
(* If you're crafty you draw your own face features and just follow the instructions eliminating the .gif download and printing.)
Cut pattern in half. Cut out eyes, nose and mouth on each face. trim paper to fit the small windows in your front door. (They can also be placed as is in any window.)
Tape pattern to window. That's it!


Pumpkins History Projects Carving Grow your own
Coloring Pumpkin Patch Samhain Safety
Party Invitations trick or treat Bag
Haunted Houston Attractions
Haunted Hotels in Texas
Cast a Spell on this site

Sitemap Visionary
Party Food

pumpkins, spooky, moonrise, moonlit  scary pumpkin, smiling pumpkin, halloween pumpkin
