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Windsock Ghosts

Make a Ghost for Halloween

Halloween is a time for Goblins, Goofs, Ghosts and fun.

casper friendley ghost


  • Two 9"x 12" White Craft Foam
  • 1/2 Piece Black Craft Foam
  • Kid's Choice Glue, Low Temp Glue Gun, or Tacky Glue
  • Hole Punch
  • Stapler or Brass Fasteners
  • White String
  • White Plastic Bag (we used half of a tall kitchen bag)


Cut a plastic bag into 1" to 2" strips. Cut a ghostly face out of black craft foam. Glue it to the middle of one piece of white craft foam. Turn foam face upside down and glue strips of plastic bag all along the bottom edge of both pieces of foam.

Staple or fasten sides of foam together to make into the ghost head. Punch a hole in each side. Add a string to hang.

(This halloween toy is not intended to be worn as a costume )



Pumpkins History Projects Carving Grow your own
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