Haunted Locations around Houston, Texas
Haunted Houses in Houston
Nothing in this (document) Life or any Other, is Guaranteed!
The ghost of the Pirate Jean Lafitte reportedly sails up and down Galveston Bay searching for a lost love that fell overboard. Ghosts of the 1900 Gulf Coast Hurricane and the civil war, reportedly roam across the entire island, making it the largest reported haunted area in Texas.
Haunted Apartments Alief, Texas (pronounced "A-leef") Cemetery on the southwest corner of Bellaire Boulevard @ Dairy Ashford in Alief, Texas.
Pioneer cemetery was overlooked when an apartment complex was built on an ajoining property.
Alley Theatre, Houston, Texas [www.alleytheatre.org] at 615 Texas Avenue in downtown Houston. Managing director still has not left the site where she was murdered. Nina Vance 1914 - 1980
AMC Theatre, Humble, Texas [www.amctheatres.com] at Deerbrook Mall on Highway 59N in Humble, Texas. Haunted by a worker who was killed by an iron beam during construction.
Ashton Villa [www.galvestonhistory.org] on 2328 Broadway Street in Galveston, Texas. The ghost of former resident Bettie Brown has been seen standing at the top of the staircase, and heard playing the piano as though she were playing at one of her famous music recitals.
Bailey's Prairie on State Highway 35 @ Farm Road 521 in Brazoria County, Texas. Brit Bailey returns every seven years in the form of a fireball to search for his jug of whisky.
Barnard Street in the Montrose area of Houston, Texas. A young urban professional man who was murdered by his friend haunts this area during late night, and early morning hours.
The Battleship Texas at 3527 Battleground Road in La Porte, Texas. A red-haired, smiling sailor who died while on duty, occasionally appears on the second deck. The ship is reportedly haunted by a friendly ghost, reportedly a red-headed sailor who appears on one of the many decks. [http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/battleship_texas/]
Bear Creek Park and Langham Creek Bridge on Patterson Road, West of Houston (Katy, Texas). Civil War soldiers march in parade fashion, tapping parked cars along the way.
The Bishop's Palace [www.galveston.com] at 1402 Broadway Street in Galveston, Texas. Former owner Walter Gresham's ghost has been seen, often inspecting the exterior of the building when Hurricanes are threatening the Texas Vacation Hotspot.
Bistro LeCroy at 2021 The Strand in Galveston, Texas. What appears to be several a bodies are sometimes seen floating or hovering high above the guests heads; a remnant of the floods of the 1900 Storm when floodwaters and sea swells, washed in, pinnning the unfortunate guests against the ceiling area rafters.
Black Hope Cemetery in the Newport subdivision of Crosby, Texas. Poltergeist activity in the neighborhood that was built over a slave cemetery. Buried in pauper and often unmarked graves are the remains of 60 or more people, most of whom had been former slaves.
The Bolivar Lighthouse in Galveston, Texas. Haunted by the ghost of a young man who reportedly murdered his parents with a stone. Most reportings agree that he is seen through a window but, he has also been known to chase some people out of the Historic Texas Building.
Bowden Road Huntsville, Texas. Phantom handprints on cars. Formally known as Bowden Road, "Demon Road" is basically a dirt path in the middle of nowhere. Homes and farmland line the windy Texas road and at night, Demon Road looks like the place to be if you want to be abducted by an alien.
The Brazoria County, Texas Historical Museum [www.bchm.org] at 100 East Cedar Street in Angleton, Texas. Portrait of former home owner Lavinia Bryan Perry changes expressions when you look away.
Brewery Tap at 717 Franklin Street in downtown Houston, Texas. The original owner, who was killed by the mafia during prohibition, is occasionally seen sitting in his recliner.
Cactus Moon Blues Cafe at 22250 Highway 59 North in Humble, Texas. Haunted by a pool player and an attractive woman who sits in customers' laps.
Camp Casa Mare in Seabrook, Texas [www.gssjc.org]. Haunted by a young woman who fell to her death from the balcony of the former mansion.
Charles H Milby High School [www.houstonisd.org] at 1601 Broad Street in the Pecan Park area of Houston, Texas. Haunted by the ghosts of a janitor and a librarian.
Cinemark Tinseltown 17 [www.cinemark.com] at " The Woodlands Mall" on Lake Robbins Drive in The Woodlands, Texas. Haunted by an old man and a little boy who were killed at this location, where a mobile home park once stood.
The Civil War Museum and Thyme Square [www.oldtownspring.com] area at 200 Noble Street in Old Town Spring, Texas. Spirits of Civil War soldiers appear among the actors during battle reenactments.
Dugout Sports Bar [www.thedugoutsportsbarandgrill.com] formerly Peck's Bar at 2395 Hwy 6 South in the West Oaks area of Houston, Texas. Haunted by Mad Dog, a customer who was killed in a motorcycle accident.
Elder Street Artist 'Haunted' Lofts [www.artspaceusa.org] formerly Jefferson Davis Hospital at 1101 Elder Street in Houston's 2nd Ward. The hospital was built on top of a Confederate cemetery. Haunted by doctors, nurses, patients, and angry soldiers.
Episcopal High School [www.ehshouston.org] at 4650 Bissonnet Street in Bellaire, Texas. Haunted by a nun who hung herself on the forth floor and was denied a Catholic funeral.
Erie City Iron Works at 1302 Nance Street in downtown Houston, Texas. Haunted by a tall woman in a long, black dress.
The Esperson Building at 808 Travis Street in downtown Houston, Texas. Haunted by former owner Mellie Esperson.
Galveston Bay in Galveston, Texas. The Flying Dutchman, a famous ghost ship has been seen sailing in Galveston Bay.
Grace Lane, Banana Bay Estates subdivision of Highlands, Texas. Haunted by a cigarette smoking ghost; A man who was murdered in a vacant lot in this town late one night.
Highway 6 Office Building at 1011 South Highway 6 in the Hunters Creek area of Houston, Texas. Haunted by a distraut man who committed suicide during the Christmas Season.
Hogg Middle School [www.houstonisd.org] at 1100 Merrill Street in the Heights area of Houston, Texas. Haunted by a gangster who was shot to death by rival gangsters only to have his body dug up and hung from the flagpole.
Houston Library - the Julie Ideson Building [www.houstonlibrary.org] at 500 McKinney in the downtown area of Houston, Texas. Haunted by a former violin playing janitor and his dog.
Huntsman Alkanolamines Plant [www.huntsman.com] on Jefferson Chemical Road in Conroe, Texas. Haunted by two workers who were killed by an explosion within the facility.
John Henry Kirby House aka Kirby Mansion [www.bgflaw.com] currently a law office at 2000 Smith Street in the midtown area of Houston, Texas has what has been called The Haunted Elevator.
Katy Texas Train Depot at 5710 Highway Boulevard in Katy, Texas is haunted by a young couple in Love.
KTRH-AM Radio [www.ktrh.com] formerly KLOL-FM Radio at 510 Lovett Boulevard in the Montrose area of Houston, Texas is haunted by an Hispanic Cleaning Lady.
La Carafe at 813 Congress Street in downtown Houston, Texas is haunted by a former bartenderwho shouts "Last Call" at innapproriate times... ( embellished by the author ).
Luigi's Italian Food at 2328 Strand Street in Galveston; A woman can be heard but never seen, whimpering in the corner of the restaurant.
Michel B Menard House [www.galvestonhistory.org] at 1604 33rd Street in Galveston, Texas. Clara Menard haunts the house where she died from a broken neck occurring while she fell down the stairs.
Normandy Inn [www.normandyinngalveston.com] at 1101 23rd Street in Galveston, Texas. Several people have died from natural causes making this a most interesting Haunted House.
Oakwood Cemetery at the corner 9th Street and Avenue I in Huntsville, Texas, the statue of Jesus is reported has been slowly closing his hands, over a period of several years.
Old Greenhouse Road in Katy, Texas. The questioning ghost of an old woman approaches parked cars and then disappears when you try to talk to her.
Old Town Spring Bank [former site - currently a retail store] at the 100 block of Midway in Old Town Spring, Texas. Visited by the ghosts of Bonnie and Clyde who have have been seen at several different banks they had robbed.
Old Town Spring Historical Museum [www.oldtownspring.com] at 403 Main Street in Old Town Spring. An old Victrola mysteriously plays a particular song reportedly favored by the original owner.
Old Town Spring Souvenir Shop [www.oldtownspringonline.com] and the former site of Doering Court at 1408 Spring Cypress Road in Old Town Spring, Texas. Haunted by the ghost of a little girl who fell from the loft of what was originally a barn.
Orozimbo Plantation on Country Road 25 in West Columbia, Texas. Haunted by dogs belonging to the original owner.
Premiere Cinema 11 [www.pccmovies.com] at San Jacinto Mall in Baytown, Texas. Spirits play in the box office and projection booth.
Puffabellys Old Depot Restaurant [puffabellys.com] at 100 Main Street in Old Town Spring, Texas. The train depot building, which was moved from its original location in Lovelady, Texas, is said to have brought with it, the spirit of a headless switchman.
Rice University - Lovett Hall [www.rice.edu] at 6100 Main Street in the Rice area of Houston. An unseen force throw furniture in a basement level storage room.
Richmond Police Department [www.richmondtxpolice.com] at 600 Preston Street in Richmond. Former site of jailhouse and slave auctions is haunted by those who died on the scene.
Rose's Patio Café on Main Street at Keith Street in Old Town Spring, Texas. Rocking chair sometimes rocks itself and deadbolt appears to lock itself...
Sam Houston Memorial Museum [www.shsu.edu] at 1402 19th Street in Huntsville, Texas. Footprints at the Woodland house and handprints at the Steamboat house.
Sam Houston State University [www.shsu.edu] in Huntsville, Texas. Phantom librarian in Victorian dress has been seen in the Peabody Library. Several ghosts are considered to be haunting Belvin-Buchanen Hall.
Samuel May Williams Home [www.galvestonhistory.org] at 3601 Avenue P in Galveston. Haunted by former owner and banker, Samuel May Williams who was also Governor Stephen F. Austin's Secretary of State.
Brazos River, Richmond, Texas. Phantom fiddle music can be heard in the late fall season.
Slainte Irish Pub [www.slainteirishpub.com] at 509 Main Street in downtown Houston. The ghost of a murdered homeless woman appears to female employees.
Southpoint Dollar Cinema at 12813 Gulf Freeway in south Houston. Haunted by two customers who died in the theater and a little girl who was murdered in a robbery before it was a cinema.
Spaghetti Warehouse [www.meatballs.com] at 901 Commerce Street in downtown Houston. The former warehouse owner died when he fell down the elevator shaft.
Spring Creek Park [www.hcp4.net] at 15012 Brown Road in Tomball, Texas. Civil War soldiers return to this old battleground.
Stephen F Austin High School [www.houstonisd.org] at 1700 Dumble Street in Houston's 2nd Ward. A young girl is reported to run down the third floor hallway.
Stewart Beach, Texas [www.galveston.com] at 6th Street and Seawall Boulevard in Galveston, Texas. An unknown man, perhaps a victim of the 1900 storm, has been seen runing along the beach.
Texas Department of Corrections - Walls Unit [www.tdcj.state.tx.us] at 815 12th Street in Huntsville, Texas. Ghosts of former inmates haunt the south building.
Treebeards [www.treebeards.com] at 315 Travis Street in downtown Houston.
Trinity Bay in Galveston, Texas. Pirate Jean Lafitte chokes treasure hunters.
University of Texas Medical Branch - Ewing Hall [www.utmb.edu] at 449 University Boulevard in Galveston. An angry face appears on the wall facing the water, moving to other parts of the wall when it's sandblasted.
US District Court [www.txnd.uscourts.gov] at 515 Rusk Street in downtown Houston. The tenth floor is supppoed to be haunted by a cigar smoking judge.
Walgreens [www.walgreens.com] at 485 Sawdust Road in The Woodlands, Texas. Haunted by the store manager who was killed in a robbery at this location when it was occupied by Eckerd Drugs.
Wal-Mart Supercenter [www.walmart.com] at 6702 Seawall Boulevard in Galveston. Orphans who were killed in the Storm of 1900 haunt the massive store, which was built on a former orphanage location.
West Oaks Mall [www.shopwestoaksmall.com] in the Memorial area of Houston. A phantom secuirty guard patrols along the sidewalk outside the shopping mall in the early in the morning hours.
Whitehall Lovers on Main Street in Old Town Spring, Texas. A romantic young couple who were killed in a car accident refuse to leave the site of a former funeral parlor.
William C Skinner House at 1318 Sealy in Galveston. An antique cane bearing the inscription, "J.D. Skinner, Nov. 6, 1895," mysteriously showed up in the attic.
Witwer-Mott House at 1121 Tremont Street in Galveston, Texas. "Captain" Mott is reported to have participated in 'Ouija' sessions, saying that he will continue to haunt the house until the bodies of murdered girls buried on the property, are found
Wunsche Brothers Café at 103 Midway Street in Old Town Spring. Haunted by bitter Uncle Charlie Wunsche who lived upstairs until his death in 1935.
Zwink House at 100 Main Street in Old Town Spring, Texas. Haunted by a woman who was killed by her jealous husband, on their own front porch.