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Flex Fuel Cars

How do I tell if my car is a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV)?

Flex Fuel vehicles (FFV) have the same basic parts as your everyday, combution engine with a few exceptions. The differences (undestandably so) are in the fuel system itself. Ethanol is highly corrosive and, non-FFV's contain hardware components that are susceptible to being damaged from ethanol. FFV's are designed to run on regular unleaded gasoline and/or an alcohol blended fuel (either ethanol or methanol) in any combination. For example, an FFV can run on 100% gasoline, E10, E15, E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), or M85 (85% methanol, 15% gasoline) or any combination of these fuels. There must also be a special sensor in the fuel line to analyze the fuel mixture and control the fuel injection and timing to adjust for different fuel combinations. The flex-fuel vehicle offers its owner an environmentally beneficial option wherever the alternative fuel is available.Flexible fueled vehicles (also called variable fuel vehicles) include the Ford Ranger, Crown Victoria and Taurus. GM vehicles include Chevy S-10 and GMC Sonoma; Daimler-Chrysler includes the Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan. Some Alternative Fuel Cars that were purchased, or put into service in 2006 qualify for a Tax Credit.

Ford FFV - Identification

* Taurus FFV | * Crown Victoria FFV | * Grand Marquis FFV | * Town Car FFV * F-Series under 8,500 GVW
Can I use Ethanol in my Ford?
Not sure if your vehicle can run on E85?
The 8th digit of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) reveals if your vehicle is E85-capable. To decode your VIN, visit the following websites: www.customersaskford.com (type in "VIN decode")
You can also look for an E85 label inside your fuel door.
More Information For more information on ethanol vehicles, check out the following Ford Motor Company sites.
* Ford Motor Company North America Fleet (U.S.) * Ford Motor Company North American Fleet (Canada)

Chevrolet FFV - Identification

For Information on General Motors Flex Fuel Vehicles, including Chevrolet Cars and Trucks.

Consult your local dealer before putting any alternative fuel in your vehicle.

 2006 FFV Tax Credit
 Honda Civic FFV
 2003 Flex Fuel Cars
 OBVIO Flex Fuel Car
 Top Ten Ethanol Myths
 Ford Flex Fuel Car Recall

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