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Propane FAQ
propane safety

What is Propane?

Propane, also known as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), is a by-product derived from refining natural gas and crude oil.

Will it be cost-effective to switch to propane as my fuel source?

Propane operating costs for vehicles can range from 5 percent to 30 percent less than conventional or reformulated gasoline. Overall, propane is currently the least expensive alternative to gasoline.

Will using propane affect ?

Propane vehicle owners report that horsepower and torque are roughly comparable to gasoline. Because propane has a lower density than gasoline, power might decrease slightly, but any loss is rarely noticed. Fuel economy on newer engines is comparable to that of gasoline. Propane vehicle power, and acceleration are similar to those of gasoline-powered vehicles.

Is propane really a safer fuel for the environment?

Tests conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show that propane vehicles can produce 30 percent to 90 percent less carbon monoxide than gasoline engines and about 50 percent fewer toxics and other smog-producing emissions. Propane is also listed as an approved alternative fuel in the 1990 Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

Is refueling difficult with propane?

No. Refueling is simple and quick. Propane's pumping rate, 10 to 12 gallons per minute, is comparable to that of gasoline. This translates into savings in time and money compared with other alternative fuels. Because propane is delivered through a sealed system (thereby protecting the environment), a simple screwed connection is used. Vehicles can be refueled at nearly 10,000 sites across the country.

Is propane safe?

Ethanol E85 Flex FuelYes. Propane vehicle tanks are tested to four times the normal operating pressures, and the tanks are 20 times as puncture resistant as gasoline tanks. Propane is nontoxic, nonpoisonous, and has the lowest flammability range of any alternative fuel.

What can I expect to pay to have my car converted to propane?

Almost any gasoline-powered vehicle to propane ( conversions should only be performed by a qualified mechanic ). Gasoline to Propane conversions typically cost between $2,500 and $3,500 - a cost that can easilly be recovered through the lower maintenance and fuel costs associated with using propane. Some of the conversion cost may be deducted from federal taxable income. Automakers are beginning to respond to the increased demand for alternative-fuel vehicles by manufacturing factory-equipped propane-powered vehicles.

Is propane widely used?

Yes. Propane has been used as a commercial motor fuel for more than 80 years, and more than 190,000 propane-powered vehicles are in use today in the United States-more than 9 million are in use worldwide. Propane has become the leading alternative fuel in the United States and in the world. Propane has been used in a ever growing, wide variety of vehicles from cars and mini-vans to forklifts and larger delivery trucks.

Can Propane powered vehicles use any other fuel?

Yes. Propane vehicles can be equipped with dedicated fueling systems designed to use only propane, or bi-fuel fueling systems that enable fueling with either propane or gasoline.

How much propane can I put into my propane storage tank?

The time needed to fill a vehicle with propane is comparable to that needed for gasoline or diesel fuel. The tanks are filled to no more than 80% capacity (there is an automatic shutoff on the tanks), to allow for liquid expansion as ambient temperature rises.

What are the benefits of using propane?

Propane powered vehicles can reduce ozone-forming emissions (CO and NOx) by approximately 40% compared to vehicles powered by reformulated gasoline. Additionally, tests on light-duty, bi-fuel vehicles have demonstrated a 98% reduction in the emissions of toxics, including benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde, when running on propane rather than gasoline.

 What is Propane?
 Convert to Propane
 LPG Conversion info
 Chevron Biodiesel Plant in Texas

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