Biodiesel Generator Online with ERCOT
BIOFUELS POWER CORP. (BPC) has announced that the Oak
Ridge North, Texas Power Plant went online February 20th, 2007. The biodiesel powered generator facility is now, currently producing and selling electricity into the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) Power Grid from its biodiesel powered generator in Oak Ridge North, Texas. According to BPC, The Oak Ridge North facility is the first power plant in the country to run entirely on biodiesel, a renewable *carbon neutral fuel produced from vegetable oil and animal fat. In agriculture, a plant is considered to be carbon neutral if the carbon dioxide (CO2) that it absorbs while alive is the same as the CO2 it emits when burned as a fuel. Biofuels Power plans to build a series of biodiesel powered electric generating plants to serve residential and industrial customers in the Houston Metropolitan area.
BioDiesel Power
The capacity of the Oak Ridge North facility is up to 5 Megawatts via three (3) bio-diesel powered Caterpillar generators which run exclusively on biodiesel fuel produced by the Safe Renewables refinery located a mere two miles away from the power plant. 
Safe Renewables Corp. (SRC) is emerging as one of the leading biodiesel producers and marketers in North America. SRC supplies biodiesel fuel that meets current power generation and transportation requirements produced from renewable sources including soy, cottonseed, canola oil and animal
Ken Crimmins, COO of Biofuels Power, said, "We believe the new Oak Ridge North plant will be a showcase installation for environmentally conscious companies that want to reduce their air pollution footprint by satisfying their electricity needs with carbon neutral and 100% renewable fuels. We are proud that the Oak Ridge North facility is one of the cleanest generating facilities in the country. We also believe this first important step in urban renewable power can reduce America's dependence on foreign oil while significantly benefiting our domestic agricultural economy."
Renewable Fuel Energy Source in Texas
Jeffrey Kissell, Safe Renewables' President and CEO, said, "We are very pleased to have the opportunity to provide biodiesel fuel for this landmark power generation project - a first for Texas and a first for the nation. We commend all the participants for their forward-looking alternative energy leadership."
Texoga BioFuels Ltd., a partnership financed through M1 Energy of Chicago provided funding for the Oak Ridge North project. The principal investors are active commodity traders with the Chicago Board of Trade. Jay Pierce, President of M1, said, "Those of us trading in the nation's largest commodities market are conscious of the need for renewable fuels derived from agricultural products. We are pleased to be at the forefront of this new industry. It's the right thing to do."
Biofuels Power has begun construction on a larger, turbine-based biodiesel power plant at the Safe Renewables' refinery site. The second facility is expected to deliver more than 10 Megawatts into the Entergy power grid that delivers electricity to customers in East Texas and Louisiana. Renewable power projects such as these can ultimately provide "islands of power" protecting the related areas from blackouts.
Oak Ridge North, Texas
The City of Oak Ridge North is located about twenty miles north of Houston Texas and has been encouraging the development of renewable energy. Mayor Fred O'Connor commented, "This biodiesel project will provide a stable, low emissions power source for up to eighty percent of the homes in our city. This becomes a model for the United States to encourage renewable energy one town at a time."
ERCOT - Electric Reliability
Council of Texas
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the flow of electric power to an estimated 20 million Texas customers - representing 85 percent of the state's electric load and 75 percent of the Texas land area. As the independent system operator for the region, ERCOT schedules power on an electric grid that connects 38,000 miles of transmission lines and more than 500 generation units. ERCOT also manages financial settlement for the competitive wholesale bulk-power market and administers customer switching for 5.9 million Texans in competitive choice areas. ERCOT is a membership-based 501(c)(6) nonprofit corporation, governed by a board of directors and subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature. ERCOT's members include retail consumers, investor- and municipal-owned electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives, river authorities, independent generators, power marketers and retail electric providers.
*(carbon neutral adj. Emitting no net carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere.)