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Christmas gifts christmas recipes
Cookie Favorites Holiday Spirits (Drinks) Spanish Christmas food Homemade Candy Canes Traditional Turkey
The Christmas Dinner menu in the US features a wide variety of foods, some having deep traditional value and others that have become modern day favorites.

Traditional Christmas Dinners

Most American families have the traditional stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, pumpkin pie, and more for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here are some more unique holiday treats.

    * Apple cider
    * Candy canes
    * Champagne, or sparkling apple cider
    * Christmas cookies
    * Cranberry sauce
    * Eggnog
    * Fruitcake
    * Gingerbread
    * Gingerbread house
    * Gingerbread man
    * Ham
    * Hot chocolate
    * Marzipan
    * Pie
    * Apple pie
    * Pecan pie
    * Pumpkin pie
    * Roast turkey, less often roast duck or roast goose
    * Smithfield ham, often served on a biscuit or a roll
    * Stuffing also known as Dressing in the Southern United States

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Christmas Candy Party Tray

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