urban red-neck (r d n k ) n. Offensive Slang
Although the idea of an Urban Redneck would at first seem an oxymoron, they do exist and are actually quite common. There are basically three different kinds of Urban Rednecks.
- The Transplanted Redneck is found in urban centers all over the world. His job or his dreams have forced him to leave his native community in search of new opportunities. The Transplanted Redneck remains true to himself and his culture, despite immersion in the urban landscape. A transplanted redneck, or pair of rednecks, may raise a family in the city and retain their redneck characteristics for several generations.
- The Poser is found all over North America, but is especially concentrated in cities in the Southern United States. These individuals may have no Redneck roots, or even be a transplanted Yankee, but either seek acceptance in their new homes, or have vastly distorted perceptions of the social norms in their adopted communities. The Urban Cowboy phenomenon that started in the 1980s is characterized by individuals in full country & western garb, that have never even been near a horse.
- The Postmodern Redneck is also found all over North America. The Postmodern Redneck may, or may not, have Redneck roots. As opposed to "The Poser", the Postmodern Redneck has experienced a philosophical transformation in which he rejects modernism and urbanity, in favor of simpler more genuine way of life.
source: en.wikidpedia.org
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