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ottawa pd, crashed police car, sign post, cops

Driving instructor pay $10/hr
New training car $30K
Failing the obstacle course

Aggie bookstore, A&M, aggie

Aggie Hurricane Safety

iraq, iran, demonstration, anti american, defeated

White cloth for signs $free
black ink for signs $3
having americans
translate your text

MS Windows Australian

Australian Version Win 2K

Old Glory, fire, sand

American Flag $29
Disposable lighter $1
1 cup Gasoline .50
Catching your terrorist ass on fire PRICELESS

fudge, candy, packer, job

New Pink Shirt $15
New job in uncertain times n/c
Not wanting your friends to know what your job is

referral, student, oral, suspension, good time

New shirt $9.95
axe cologne $8.95
getting head at school

mardis gras eagle, drunk sidewalk

Walt Disney Donald Duck kiddy ride

duct tape, duck tape, drinks, bras, alcohol

New Formal Dress $275
Dinner and Drinks $125
Duct Tape to make your cleavage look bigger,

sidewalk, drunk, eagle

Night out with the girls $45
Numerous $2 Shooters
Experimenting with "Rohypnal"
Lying out spread eagle
on the sidewalk


frozen, cars, water pipes, plumber, frozen pipes, broken pipes

House in the countryside $1.5M
Garage full of luxury cars $250K
Winter vacation in the Bahamas $10K
Forgetting to turn of the water in the garage

priceless karate, karate instruction blooper

Priceless Karate

sonofabitch, bombs, disposal, demolition
What is a sonofabitch?

Cops, concrete, workers, roadway

6 Months of Training $2500.00
New cruiser $21000.00
First Hot pursuit, PRICELESS!

ferrari, racing team, F1, Indianapolis

New driving uniform $525
Season earnings $30Million
Team Manager showing everyone
how much he appreicates your skill

gore, ballots, voting, hanging chad,florida vote

Haircut $10
Off the rack Suit $275
Losing the Presidential Election due
to your inept Voters

I work with an individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the sake of her life, couldn't understand why her system would not turn on. A deputy with the Dallas County Sheriffs office, no less.


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Redneck Astrology
Redneck Engineer
Redneck Women

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White Bread

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