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Mullet (haircut)
The mullet is a type of haircut, in which the hair is long at the back of the head (usually at least the shoulders), but much shorter on the top, front, and sides of the head. the result looks like long hair from behind, but short hair from the front. In the United States the mullet was trendy in the 1970s, 1980s, an' early 1990s, although in different forms - plain and spikey in the 70s/often bouffant and blonde highlighted in the 80s; the style has on account of the early 90s, become the subject of ridicule in some circles. A common description of the mullet hairstyle and its versatility is "Business in the front, party in the back".

grizzly mullet
bear mullet
back porch mullet
back porch style
stunt man mullet
best man mullet
wedding party
mini braid mullet
outback style
business woman mullet
business style
cheezy mullet
cheezy type
kid mullet
chill out mullet
chilling out
coach mullet
wrestling coach
colonel mullet
Colonel redneck
concert goer mullet
concert mullet
concert 2 mullet
concert mullet
corvette mullet
corvette mullet
mini mullet - female
female mullet
flame torch mullet
flamer mullet
perm mullet
permed mullet
sunglass mullet
foakley mullet
freaky mullet
freaky mullet
fred's mullet
wrestling mullet
jeremy's mullet
twin mullet
joe's mullet
joe grump mullet
just married
just married mullet
finney's mullet
lite beer mullet
cool dude
family style mullet
loser mania mullet
loser mullet
another loser mullet
jailbird mullet
mini ball player mullet
midget mullet
ball player mullet
midgeball mullet
walmart associate
walmart mullet
wedding party
wedding vows mullet
white shirt guy
white shirt mullet
tough guy
tuff guy mullet
junior high mullet
scary guy mullet
senior picture
high school mullet
short fan
midget mullet
rock singer
wee man mullet
soccer mullet
sports fan
spectator mullet
unofficial jersey mullet
stagle mullet
tattoo, body art
tattoo mullet
technician, repairman
technician mullet
sports car
trans-am mullet
fat guy
original mullet

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