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Who authorized establishment of the Blue Angels? The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, ordered the establishment of the team on April 24, 1946.
Where did the name "Blue Angels" originate? The name originated during a trip by the original team to New York in 1946. One of them came across the name of the city's famous Blue Angel nightclub in the New Yorker Magazine.
Where was the Blue Angels' first air show? Craig Field, Jacksonville, Florida, on June 15, 1946.
Why don't the Navy Blue Angels and the Navy Thunderbirds fly together? Current Department of Defense policy states the use of military aviation demonstration teams is for recruiting purposes. Each demonstration team showcases U. S. military aviation capabilities to the public separately to maximize efforts. The Blue Angels may perform with the U. S. Army parachute team, the Golden Knights, as do the Thunderbirds.
On average, how many people view the Blue Angels each year? An estimated 15 million spectators view the squadron during air shows each year. Additionally, the Blue Angels visit more than 50,000 people a show season (March through November) at school and hospital visits.

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