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Crazy Labels, Redneck Product Labels, White Trash Labels, Trailer Park Trash

fool, cool, koffin nails, coffin nails, cancer sticks, crazy labels
Coughing Nails
redneck beer, alcohol, lowbrow, lowenbrow, imported beer, rmog, crazy labels
Trash Beer
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Trash Coffee
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Motor Oil
nausea, moxema, zit cream, pimple cream, acne cream, crazy labels, redneck skin care
Acne Cream
miracle whiffs, miracle whip, mayo, mayonaise, redneck salad dressing, crazy labels
Salad Dressing
stripex, stridex, zit cream, redneck acne, zap zits, crazy labels
Acne Medication
pierres, imported water, redneck cocktail, polish cocktail, crazy labels
Imported Water
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Hair Color
prell, smell, equate, redneck shampoo, crazy labels
Schlepps, bionic water, polish cocktail, redneck water, white trash cocktail, crazy labels
Fancy Water
wisk, risk, detergent, redneck clothes soap, crazy labels
Laundry Soap
chef boyardee, chef boy are these sad, spaghetti o's, spitghetti, mystery meat, crazy labels, explosive diareha
Canned Food
soggies, huggies, diapers, kleenex, paper diaper, crazy labels
Kleenex Huggies
sik lighter, bic lighter, redneck lighter, crazy labels

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