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diamond ring, engagement ring, remote control

Ultimate Remote Control

material safety data sheet, women msds

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

suv parking, jacked up

Flood victim

florida biker, orange angels, blue hair, florida retirees

Florida Bikers

boating, river, aquatic accidents

Stare at the image above, eventually you will see a boat
in the background

perfect woman

The perfect Woman

size matters, size  is important, large size, biggie size, super size

Size matters

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Macho Toilet Paper

gas station accident, parking, women drivers

Gas Station Parking

redneck air force, pylon pistol, side mounted gun

redneck airforce

waiting, wait forever, don't wait too long

Waiting for a man

FEMA gold ticket, golden ticket, fema, refugees

FEMA Golden Ticket

Ghetto Barbie, street hag

Redneck Barbie

brains, intelligence, blonde, cowgirl

Hillbilly woman

beer makes everyone beautiful

Beer and sex

dogs and cats, cohabitation

Cats and dogs live together

bmw, gas nozzle, gas pump

BMW gas station

beach outfits, bikinis now and then

Beach wear comparison

dodge truck, ram, gas pump, nozzle

Dodge Truck gas nozzle

driving school, women drivers

Driving School Failure

Senator head, congressional head, white house aid

senatoriral head

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rasta man


biggest loser, weakest link

Biggest loser

looter evolution

evolutionary progress

female IT experts, female coders

Female IT specialists

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Clinton Book

stupid people, priceless sign

stupid people

My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for "minimal lettuce." He said he was sorry, but they only had iceburg lettuce. Kansas City

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Fried Rat
Barnyard Astrology
Priceless Pictures
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Priceless Pictures 3
Redneck Astrology
Redneck Engineer
Redneck Women

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Jerry Springer
Not so Golden
White Bread

Forward Speshul

Boys will be Boys! White Trash

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